Kvennan Fly Fishing

Fly fishing river Glomma, Norway

One of the best stretches for fly fishing in Norway. The upper part of famous river Glomma in Eastern Norway. Discover all the things that make this part of the Glomma the best fly fishing experience in Norway.  Here you will find all the information you need to prepare for a memorable fly fishing trip.


Actual water level                            : 587.73
Average water level 2005 - 2022   : 587.48
Water in Glomma is                         : clear
Water temperature                           : 8 °C
Air temperature min - max              : 6 - 13 °C
Wind speed and direction               : 3 m/s , South

This might be the last report of the season. The river came down last week, but is still a bit high for this time of the season. Most days there is .....  read more

About Kvennan Fly Fishing zone

The Kvennan Fly Fishing zone in Norway starts at the beginning of Eidsfossen - the Eids waterfall - where the power lines cross the river, and ends 15,2 km downstream, near Abrua bridge. Near the waterfall there are some very deep holes in the river bed, and many interesting eddies and hiding places for big trout. Every year some big trout up to 4 kg are landed, and the biggest grayling I've heard of also comes from this zone (67 cm, 3 kg).

Fly fishing Norway

Report: Fishing in the Kvennan Fly Fishing zone in 2023

Many are surely wondering how the fishing in the fly fishing zone at Kvennan has been in the first years after the construction of the Tolga Power Plant. The catch report for 2023 shows a total catch of 8166 grayling. This is on par with 2018 and 2019. Both the size of the fish and the quantity seem to remain good after the construction, but of course, we are eager to see how things develop going forward. The very cautious fishing practices, where 98.8% of the fish are released back into the KFF zone, leave us optimistic.

Right now, the spring flood is reaching its peak, and most of the snow is gone. The first mayflies are appearing along with the first insects. Therefore, we anticipate an excellent season opening with a good fishable river already from June 1st.

Read our Newsletter Report 2023

Fly fishing the river Glomma

River Glomma falls from about 700 meter altitude at Lake Aursund to 178 m at Elverum, 275 km to the south. This fall is not uniform, especially between Tynset and Hoyegga Dam the river is like a big lake, it is deep and the current is slow at most places. Between Tolga and Tynset there are fast rapids, and over long stretches the river is a free-stone type.

This variation in depth and current results in a varied river bed: large stones in the stretches with fast current, gravel bed where the current slows down and a sand bottom in the slow stretches. This means optimal conditions for aquatic vegetation and insect life.

Fly fishing in Glomma Norway

What does the fishermen say about Kvennan fly fishing zone?

The fly fishing zone - KFF zone - can be defined as the perfect river stretch for the fly fisherman. The flow has an ideal pace and depth for both trout and grayling, and because the river is not that deep, it is possible to wade at most places, even when the water level is higher than usual.

Where is Kvennan Fly Fishing?

Kvennan Fly Fishing is located in the north part of the valley "Østerdalen" between the two small towns Tynset and Tolga, in the county Hedmark. The Swedish border is not far, only 75 km. The landscape in this part of Norway can be described as the mountain area of the county Hedmark and some say it is Scandinavia’s southernmost wilderness.

Hedmark is one of the less urbanized areas in Norway, as about half of the inhabitants live on rural land. Population is mainly concentrated in the rich agricultural district adjoining Lake Mjøsa to the southeast.

Kvennan fly fishing zone

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