Fly Fishing Reports 2019
water level : 587,97
The season opened yesterday, and I was out in the river with Egbert from Germany, who wanted me to guide him. We started fishing from the bank on the camp site, because this is a nice place to demonstrate how one could fish a nymph successfully in river Glomma. Egbert quickly picked up the technique, and at the end of the fishing session we had about 8 grayling up to 45 cm between us, there were a few more that spit the hook.

Egbert from Germany playing his first Glomma grayling - photo HVA
I saw only a few rising fish, normally there should be more action right now with stoneflies and midges on the water. The reason for this must be the cold weather from last week - there were several days and nights with quite a bit of fresh snow and low temperatures. I tried some dry fly fishing using my stonefly pattern, and even if there were no rising grayling to be seen, the fish would take the fly enthusiastically.

Nice sunny afternoon on the river - photo HVA
The water level is reasonable for this early in the season, several good pools in the fly fishing zone can be reached now. The level is slowly sinking, and if there will be not to much rain, the fly fishing conditions will be very good the next weeks ...
water level : 588,30
After lots of rain, the water level in Glomma has come up strongly. I don't think the highest point has been reached yet, and to make it worse, lots of more rain is predicted. For a few days the online water level websites don't give any levels for Hummelvoll or Tolga, so I have to estimate the level for you ...
Fly fishing Glomma gets really difficult now, I think you should have a look at the Hodalen lakes, and maybe river Hola is more or less fishable ...
water level : 588,46
Several days of high water level in the river - and to make it worse: dirty water - made fly fishing in the upper Glomma about impossible. Yesterday the water cleared up a bit, and now it is almost clear again. A lot of rain has fallen in the area just north of Roros, causing this sudden flood in the river. After a long winter the soil is still very wet, and all the rain flows immediately into the river.

Anders from Sweden shows his beautiful 50 cm grayling from river Hola
Right now fly fishing is possible at a few places in Glomma, but the level is still very high. If the level is under 588,25 I know I can cross to the Isles at the campsite (but you need to be very careful, and cross just at the right place !).

Jonas from Sweden also landed a 50 cm grayling in Hola !
The pictures show Anders and Jonas from Sweden, they both had a 50 cm grayling in small river Hola ...
Big fish !!
water level : 587,98
The water level in Glomma is falling fast now, and fly fishing conditions are quite good now. I get reports from happy fishermen telling me about large grayling, and a lot of them. The weather forecast is good, nice temperatures in the next week and not a lot of rain. Sounds promising ! On the picture Simon with a nice trout that took his streamer. Anders, Jonas and Simon also had good results in Glomma with plenty of grayling up to 49,5 cm ... again that 49,5 !! (Read his report from last year, June 22, 2018)

Simon from Sweden and a nice Glomma trout
water level : 587,78
Nice summer weather now in the Glomma valley, and the water level is slowly falling. For the next days some rain some rain will come - so they say - and the river might come up a bit again. In the meantime the fishing is very good (report from Bernd on sexyloops.com) and lot's of caddis are active, especially in the upper fly fishing zone.

beautiful Glomma colors .. - photo HVA
2019 - Kvennan Photo Competition - Kvennan Fly Fishing & Kvennan Camping
Make some nice fly fishing and C&R pictures during your holiday at Kvennan Fly Fishing, and win free licenses for next year !
During the summer of 2007 we organized a photo contest at KFF. From a lot of nice pictures we then choose these two, made by brothers Felix and Douglas. These pictures were placed on the fishing reports, so Felix and Douglas not only won that free licenses, but also eternal fly fishing fame !
Right now, during the summer of 2019, we start a new photo competition.

Douglas from Sweden, winner 2008 KFF Photo Competition
Playing rules :
- only pictures from this summer, taken at Kvennan Fly Fishing. You can send in more than one picture
- send your pictures to kff@kvennan.com or share them on our Facebook page *
- the picture has to be in landscape format, minimum resolution is 1800 x 1200 pixels
- pictures should be about fly fishing – in the broad sense. C&R is mandatory, big fish are welcome but not necessary. Funny shots are also great !
- the jury members are Tor Henrik – Kvennan Camping and Hein – Kvennan Fly Fishing
- the jury will choose the best 10 pictures; the winner will be chosen by you – on Facebook.
- the first and only price is two free Kvennan Fly Fishing week licenses for next year

Felix from Sweden, winner 2008 KFF Photo Competition
* by sending in pictures you give us the right to use them on our websites & social media, if we don’t like a picture you share with us on Facebook, we can take it away
water level : 587,70
Earlier this week Anders and his son Ivar booked me to guide them. The fishing was not as good as it sometimes can be, but the guys landed plenty of grayling using CDC emergers. Ivar had the biggest fish, measuring 46 cm. All in all a nice father-and-son fishing day.

Anders and Ivar from Sweden - photo HVA
The water level is about normal, and so is the water temperature. For the rest it is a normal Norwegian summer: a bit cold at times, some sunshine, a few mosquito's that like to have you for dinner and not to forget - it can be a bit windy from day to day. So pretty good fly fishing conditions 😉

Ivar and his beautiful 46 cm grayling - photo HVA
There was a story this week about a guy that lost his footing in the river and had a nasty swim, only to get out just in time due to the help of fellow fly fishermen ! Be careful out there guys, Glomma is a friendly river I think, but her waters can be cold ...
The water level is about normal again, but summer is far away from the Glomma valley. It is cold and windy weather, with low air temperatures and also the water temp is low. Not many insects active now, and fly fishing can be slow at times.

Ulrich from Germany playing a good sized grayling - photo HVA
The picture shows Ulrich from Germany, I guided him last week during an evening session. There were a few nice grayling rising and we landed some. Nothing special, just nice fly fishing.
Yesterday I met some gentlemen from France in the river. We had a pleasant little talk, and I got a French master class in (tiny) dry fly fishing. Merci monsieur Jean ! I also shot a few minutes video. I was there about two hours, and the three guys landed about 20 grayling up to 49 cm in that time. Windy, lousy and cold weather but nice enough fly fishing !
Bit by bit the water level in river Glomma is falling, and now she is almost reaching her normal summer level. The water temperature is about 2,5 degrees lower then normal for this time of the year, and this might have an impact on the fly fishing conditions. Now and then there is some good insect activity resulting in rising fish, one hour later the river might look completely dead. Every day there is quite a lot of wind, many times cold wind from the North. This is not helping.
But from today on, the weather is improving, and we will have some nice summer days with max temperatures over 20 degrees. I think the fishing will improve now.

Michael shows a big grayling from river Hola
On the picture Michael from Germany. I send them to river Hola some time ago, when Glomma was (too) high for decent fishing. They reported very nice fishing and some large grayling, and send me some photo's by email.
Fly fishing conditions are rather good now in river Glomma at Kvennan Fly Fishing. The level is low, the water temperature is also a bit low but high enough, the strong wind from the North is gone, and now we have nice summer days. The video shows a few hours fishing on the river, the mood, some rising fish and a few grayling. The last one was about 45 cm.
Jean and his friends from France send me a report about their week at Glomma. They had big problems when all their fishing gear was lost during the flight from Paris to Oslo ...
"Hi Hein, Here is my report of our fishing trip from July 3 to 7. First let me thank you for the help you gave us when we needed solutions to find fishing tackle. It was a good deal and that allowed us to fish one day more. It was also a pleasant couple of hours spent talking with you on the river bank. About fishing we can't say that we had good conditions, the wind didn't help for long casts but we find lots of fish on every place we fished and we had a very good time. Specially on Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 when we went to the lower parts of fly fishing zone. There where plenty of very shy and big grayling - I think they never have seen a fly this year. We already are thinking to come back to Kvennan Fly Fishing next year ! See you and again thanks for your help. Best regards, Jean."

Peter from Holland tries to trick a large grayling - photo HVA
On the pictures : Peter from Holland fishing dries for a large grayling that is standing close to the bank. You can actually see the fish on the photo.

two large grayling feeding close to the bank - photo HVA
Tropical days in the Glomma valley can make the fishing a bit more difficult. The water temperature is rising and the best time to go fishing are the mornings and the evenings. Of course night fishing can also be very productive ! Try #14 caddis imitations, remember that perfect presentation of your fly is very often the difference between catching a lot and only a few fish ...
Last week I took my old friends Erik and Peter from Holland to beautiful river Tunna. The KFF license covers the lower part of this nice little river. The guys landed some average sized grayling, and I could use the opportunity to shoot some video ...
Flies that are hot right now : CDC caddis #14, Zebra #18
Yesterday we've had some serious rain showers, and the water level in Glomma is coming up a bit. That's a good thing, because it was really, really low. The fishing has been good for some : Tor Henrik from Kvennan Camping told me about Sami from Amsterdam, who landed a staggering number of fish on his last day at KFF. He was using tiny size 26 mayfly imitations. I will not mention the number of fish he caught because you wouldn't believe me anyway ... 🙂

PJ fishing beautiful and nearby river Grimsa - photo HVA
I found a report from Per on Facebook : " Yesterday we were at wonderful river Glomma at a place where it is almost impossible to catch a grayling under 40 cm. However, we succeeded with a single fish just under, otherwise the rest was between 40-50 cm ... pretty impressive 🙂 Never have I seen so many big grayling before, so it was a wonderful place to use our nymph rods ... "
See his pictures on our Facebook page - go to August 6, 2019

50+ cm grayling, weight about 1,4 kg ... - photo HVA
The water level is back to about normal for the time of the year, and so is the weather. The water temperature has dropped to ca 12 degrees Celsius, and I've seen quite a lot of insects around. Mostly small caddis (#16-18) and small stone flies (needle flies - #18) but also small may flies. There won't be rising fish all over the river, and the rise forms will be small : no big splashes or anything like that. Just a grayling nose coming out of the water, or a fin toughing the surface ...

Eduardo, a fly fishing guide from Spain, with a 48 cm KFF grayling
In the photo's today is Eduardo, a fly fishing guide from Spain. He send me a little report and some pictures by email : " Hi Hein, This is my report: We were fishing 3 days, 3 fly fishermen from Spain, I have only reported my catches, since my companions are not the counting types. I landed and released 45 grayling. I was able to get 2 large grayling of 47 and 48 cm both on dry fly, a caddis emerger. For me river Glomma is one of the best rivers in Europe for fly fishing ! "

Eduardo shows a 46 cm KFF grayling
Autumn is near, and it brings (in my opinion) maybe the best fly fishing Glomma has to offer ! The conditions are quite nice for the weekend, the long term forecast gives good temperatures, no rain, but maybe a bit too much wind. This is the time for small dry flies: caddis #16 and smaller, Griffith Gnat and Zebra CDC emerger, and of course the Dynamite Harry !!

Autumn is near, and it brings maybe the best fly fishing Glomma has to offer ... - photo HVA
The fishing conditions are average right now. After yesterdays rain the water level in Glomma came up a bit, but for the time of the year the level is just as it should be. It can be windy in the afternoon, and that makes the fishing not so easy. This year there is some more algae growth in the river compared to other years. The green slimy stuff is coming loose from the river bed now, making fishing with nymphs and streamers about impossible, and also on dry flies you will hook these vegetables. Typically, this will last a few days, then the algae are gone.

Jérémy playing his first ever grayling - photo HVA
Jérémy and Gwenaëlle from France asked me to give them an introduction course in Glomma fly fishing. They had some experience in Tenkara fishing, and Jérémy landed a tout on a fly rod before, but they never yet encountered "the lady of the stream". Jérémy was able to land a very nice grayling that took his caddis imitation, and there were plenty of rises on their flies.

Jérémy and Gwenaëlle fishing Glomma at KFF - photo HVA
Last week I met Claudius from Germany at Kvennan Camping. A 84 years old fly fisherman and split cane rod builder, who travels in summer time through Scandinavia, looking for some good fly fishing. Claudius showed me his collection of self-built rods, and he told me he started fly fishing after he build his first cane rod ... Since then he has fished all over the world, from New Zealand to the Caribbean, always using his self built split cane rods except when he was fishing for bonefish in the ocean: he purchased a plastic rod for that ... All in all we had a very pleasant little talk at the river bank 🙂

Split cane rods at Kvennan Camping ...
This whole summer the water level has been relatively low, but now it is about normal for the time of the year. It doesn't matter so much how high or low the level exactly is, as long as it is below 588,00 all is fine. And the level should be stable, or a bit falling. Rising levels are not so much liked by our precious grayling: they will stop feeding for a little while. That's what happened yesterday afternoon and this morning, making the fishing a bit more difficult.

Eric from Holland fishing a nice riffle at KFF - photo HVA
Like the weeks before there are not many insects on the water, and you won't see many rising fish. What you should do is fish holding water with the right fly. The grayling will help you to find the best fly: just try out a bunch. Use fine tippet - 14/100 is max - and tie on the smallest flies you have. Make sure it floats really well and present your fly down stream.

Glomma at KFF in autumn mood - photo HVA
A few days ago I landed plenty of small to average sized grayling on a size 18 F - fly, I fished the top of a riffle in the middle of the FF zone. Lucky me, I also landed two grayling between 45 and 50 cm ...
The water level is low and stable, the air temperature is falling, it can be very windy at times, and the fishing is fair. I saw a report from Swedish Fredrik G. on Facebook :
"During the first day of fishing, we tricked 9 grayling. Seven of them were between 30-48 cm. Lost an even significantly bigger grayling ... "

Glomma at KFF in autumn mood - photo HVA