Fly Fishing Reports 2021
Because of Covid-19 I am not in Norway this summer, and that's the reason there are not many fishing reports this year. Not that I'm sick, no way ! I'm vaccinated and doing quite well thank you, and I hope to be back at work at river Glomma summer 2022.
Marius has been fishing a bit in July and he found someone to handle the video cam ...
Fly fishing conditions are quite good - I see reports of KFF guests at Facebook, and I emailed a bit with some guys.
Pat from France writes : "Hi Hein, hope you're fine. Fishing is good. Very good when we arrived because there was not a lot of fishermen . The water level become low in recent days despite the rain last Sunday. We had good fishing with small dry fly in CDC and some sumptuous "coups du soir" (fishing on evening) with sedges. Sometimes, fishing is difficult because of wind but overall, it's a really good year. See you soon. " July 15, 2021
Walter from Holland reported "Hein, we had fantastic fishing this afternoon. The spot you described was occupied, so we walked upstream from the campsite. To small island. From there the main stream was fished dry. They wanted Softy. At least 40 fish, many above 40 cm and a few against 50. Really, like the old days it was !" August 3, 2021 (picture Softy)
Fredrik from Sweden writes : "What a fantastic morning it was on one of Glomma's nice stretches. The three largest grayling I got were 50, 46 and 43 cm. All taken on a Ismopuppa " August 23, 2021

Marius long-line nymphing a difficult stretch in the upper part of the fly fishing zone, close to the waterfall
The water level is falling after a few rainy days. Yesterday the highest level was 587,67 and today it is down to 587,54. The weather forecast promises some very nice warm days with plenty of sun and not much wind. I wish I was there .... the fishing must be great now 🙂 . Since it is not possible for me to visit Glomma right now, I will settle for a few days fly fishing at the Danish coast for sea trout.

Marius releases a good sized Glomma grayling
Follow the water level at : https://glb.no/vannstander/tabelloversikt/
Weather forecast for Kvennan : https://www.yr.no/nb/..../Tolga/Kvennan

buy buy, see you next time 🙂
Good conditions today and also for the rest of the week for fly fishing river Glomma at Kvennan Fly Fishing. The water level is just right for the time of the year, max air temperature between 10 and 17 degrees Celsius, the minimum temperature will be about 5 to 7 degrees. It would have been great if there was a bit more sun, but most important: there is not much wind. So carefully presenting of your tiny dry flies is not too difficult.

Marius hooked this nice trout on a rather large caddis
Marius send a report about last weekend :
" After a very warm August with low and warm water,the Glomma watershed finally got some rain. And got to cool down a bit. Autumn is approaching fast and the mornings can be a bit cold, but as soon as the sun breaks through the morning fog, fish will start rising. They feed mostly on midges at the moment but soon there will be good hatches of Baetis may flies. That said,the fish did not seem to be very picky last weekend. They grabbed pretty much everything that was presented as long as it was small enough. The only exception was the trout on the picture, he took a rather big caddis fished over some faster water. The grayling fell for a nymph quite a bit downstream on the fly zone. If the weather holds up, I think the fishing continues to be good in the weeks to come, so if you have some spare time, pack some warm clothing and go fishing. I know I will. "

big grayling from the lower section of the fly fishing zone at KFF
Actual water level : 587,69
Average water level 2006 - 2016 : 587,35
Water in Glomma is : clear
Air temperature min - max : 2 - 14 °C
Wind speed and direction : 2 - 7 m/s, NW
Good conditions now at KFF for autumn grayling fishing. The water level is a bit over normal, but that's no problem at all. Every day there will be hatches of small Baetis may flies, look for them just downstream of riffles. In 2012 I made a little video showing a good Baetis hatch and how the grayling respond ...