Of course the fly fishing season is not open yet, and the river is still frozen. The two pictures below are from this morning,
showing river Glomma just upstream and downstream of Tolga bridge. Source of these pics : https://glb.no/vannstander/tolga/
You can follow the water level on that website, and witness the breaking of the ice ...
From late May this year I will update this page with new fly fishing reports of river Glomma and the fisheries close by, and all the information you need for your fly fishing trip to KFF.
Actual water level :
Average water level 2005 - 2022 :
Water in Glomma is : a bit hard on top 🙂
Air temperature min - max : plus 1 °C
Wind speed and direction :

A week and a half from now the fly fishing season at Kvennan Fly Fishing will open, right now the water level is a bit high. Perfect water level for the first week of June would be about 588,25. The weather forecast for tomorrow and the days after is that the temperature will drop to about 10 degrees, and the melting of the snow will slow down. This will bring the river down a bit.
Actual water level : 588.93
Average water level 2005 - 2022 : 588.49
Water in Glomma is : almost clear
Water temperature : 4,5 °C
Air temperature min - max : 10 - 19 °C
Wind speed and direction : 2 m/s - South
Tomorrow the fishing season starts at Kvennan Fly Fishing, and fly fishing conditions are reasonable. Water level and temperature are about normal, and I noticed the first rising fish close to Telneset bridge and in the Labyrinth. They were taking midges.
Actual water level : 588.11
Average water level 2005 - 2022 : 588.25
Water in Glomma is : clear
Water temperature : 7 °C
Air temperature min - max : 4 - 10 °C
Wind speed and direction : 3 m/s - North West
The weather conditions are improving, and for the next week they say we will have beautiful summer days. Fly fishing Glomma at KFF is a bit slow, there are not many insects yet, and only a few rising fish in the slower flowing parts of the river.
Last weekend Lars and Kevin from Denmark asked me to show them good places in the Hodalen lake system.

And even though is was cold weather with wind from the North the guys landed a lot of very decent sized grayling. They were taking nymphs, but we also saw a few rising fish.

Actual water level : 587.94
Average water level 2005 - 2022 : 588.10
Water in Glomma is : clear
Water temperature : 7.5°C
Air temperature min - max : 7 - 14 °C
Wind speed and direction : 3 m/s - North
We will have a weekend with beautiful weather, and the water level in Glomma is falling slowly. At more and more places grayling is rising, mostly to midges but soon the much larger size 10 grey stone flies will be on the water. Long term weather forecast is warm weather so the river will come up again, when the last snow in the mountains melts.

Italian fly fishers working on rising grayling just upstream of Telneset bridge - Photo HVA
Actual water level : 587.75
Average water level 2005 - 2022 : 588.15
Water in Glomma is : clear
Water temperature : 8 °C
Air temperature min - max : 5 - 20 °C
Wind speed and direction : 3 m/s - South
Yesterday I fished a few hours in the late afternoon, the stretch just upstream of Tela creek. The water level is perfect right now, and the water temperature is about 12 degrees Celsius. I have seen zero rising fish. Nothing. Really strange - but of course the reason is that there are not many insects yet on the water. So I tried streamers & nymphs, and in the end I landed about 8 grayling and 1 trout, all between 35 and 45 cm.
Sunday I met Jonas and his friends from Sweden, and they told me the day before they had about 45 grayling between 40 and 47 cm. There were very few rising fish, they said, but the guys saw plenty of grayling in the lower part of the fly fishing zone, and they managed to hook them on ant patterns. In the mean time, there are stone flies active, so if you plan to fish KFF soon, let me suggest you bring midge patterns, some grey stone fly patterns in size 10 - 12, and ant imitations.

Looking down stream to Telneset bridge - Photo HVA
Actual water level : 587.80
Average water level 2005 - 2022 : 588.14
Water in Glomma is : clear
Water temperature : 12 °C
Air temperature min - max : 11 - 22 °C
Wind speed and direction : 2 m/s - South
More and more insects are active, I have seen several caddis species in all sizes : from large brown ones (hook size #8-10) to really small micro caddis (#22-24). There are some large stoneflies, but not so many. Then there are needle flies, Baetis small may flies, I have seen daddy long legs, and large mayflies. Probably BWO. Of course the grayling started to feed and at some places a lot of rising fish can be found. Great. But the fishing is not at all easy. Yesterday I guided Philippe from France, at first it was quite difficult to find some decent fish, we only hooked smaller grayling. The bigger ones came at the end of the session, they preferred nymphs in the fast riffles, in the top of the run. We landed some fish up to about 45 cm. During this session there were caddis (green body, size 14-16) very active. They were laying eggs on our waders ....

Philippe fishing a real hotspot - Photo HVA
The water temperature has come up to 15 degrees Celsius, measured in the morning. Right now the temp is about 5 degrees over normal for the time of the year. During the warm afternoons the temp rises about 2 degrees, in the night the water cools down again. In conditions like these the tunnel of the power plant seems to have a good side : it cools the water with about 1 degree. I know, because I measured it myself.
The weather forecast says there will be some cooler days with much colder nights so I hope the water temperature will sink a bit.
I noticed that some rivers in Sweden, not so far from KFF, already are closing for fishing because of high temp.

good sized Glomma grayling - Photo HVA
Actual water level : 587.66
Average water level 2005 - 2022 : 588.04
Water in Glomma is : clear
Water temperature : 15 °C
Air temperature min - max : 12 - 23 °C
Wind speed and direction : 3 m/s - South
This morning the water temperature in Glomma at Hummelvoll was 14,4 degrees Celsius. In the afternoon it rises to 15,5 degrees. The normal temp for this time in the year should be about 11 degrees.
Yesterday I fished the stretch just below the power lines, where there used to be the border between the Eidsfossen zone and the FF zone. I fished the fat riffles, using size 12-14 black nymphs and size 10 Rhyacophila nymphs (green sedge). Both patterns worked, kind of. The fishing is quite slow at the moment, I saw only a view fish rise. One of them took my parachute ant pattern, and i landed a view smaller grayling on a Zebra CDC emerger # 16.

Glomma water temperature Sunday June 25th, 16:00 - Photo HVA
About these Rhyacophila nymphs : Gary LaFontaine writes in his book Caddisflies :
"A good imitaiton of a Rhyacophila larva is going to catch a lot of trout in swift, bouncing stretches of the stream."
I know Norwegian grayling like them as much as American trout do ..... 🙂

Rhyacophila nymph with a very basic but effective imitation - Photo HVA

Bernd from Germany fished KFF last week with some friends. Here are some pictures the guys made.

Actual water level : 587.58
Average water level 2005 - 2022 : 587.84
Water in Glomma is : clear
Water temperature : 15 °C
Air temperature min - max : 13 - 25 °C
Wind speed and direction : 5 m/s - South
After Friday's rain the river came up a bit. Not a lot, and it doesn't affect the fishing much. More important is that the water temperature in Glomma has dropped to a nice and fresh 13 degrees Celsius. This is good news for the fishing conditions, and I hear from fishermen nice stories about good grayling on dry flies. What works for me right now are CDC caddis patterns, brown, in size 12 - 16. I fish them on slower sections of the river. If I want to fish the riffles I will tie on a nymph and a strike indicator.
My first choice for a nymph in July and August is always the Black and Silver in size 12 - 18. The later in the season, the smaller the nymph. I placed a little tying video : https://kvennan.com/fly-tying-videos/black_and_silver/

Dick from Sweden at KFF - Photo HVA
Last week I guided Dick from Sweden. First we fished a fast riffle high up in the fly fishing zone, and we found some nice grayling that were willing to eat our nymphs.

jump ! - Photo HVA
A few more pics I took last week showing Filip from Belgium. I showed him good places to fish the Vulgata hatch on the Hodalen lakes, the pic in the middle = me with a 55 cm grayling from a nearby creek, where I guided Jan from Holland (the last picture).

The photo's below : I guided Dick from Sweden also to a nice little nearby stream where we found several very good sized fish rising to Vulgata emergers and duns. It was so much fun I almost forgot about the mosquito's. Almost.

Actual water level : 587.72
Average water level 2005 - 2022 : 587.71
Water in Glomma is : clear
Water temperature : 13 °C
Air temperature min - max : 10 - 16 °C
Wind speed and direction : 1 m/s - South East
After a few hot days the water temp has come up to 16 degrees Celsius. The weather forecast is not very good, a lot of rain is predicted and if all this rain will fall the river will come up. I don't think the rise in water level will be that much, but the grayling normally will stop taking dries for about a day.
The other day I met two guys from Poland, they reported a huge trout that refused to take a big CDC caddis (...) , and quite a few grayling up to 42 cm during the evenings in the tails of some pools. Jean from France told me he saw not many hatches in his week at KFF, but he reported good dry fly fishing anyway.
Last week I have been prospecting some waters around Kvennan Fly Fishing, trying to find new hot spots, and visit places I fished long time ago. Together with fly fishing buddy Peter I tried several creeks, streams and rivers nearby, but the fishing was difficult at all places, because there were not many hatches, and therefor not many rising fish. But in the end, we managed to land about 5 very good fish between 45 and 50 cm.

fly fishing buddy Peter fishing river Glomma at KFF during a thunder storm - Photo HVA
Sunday we fished Glomma again, and we found several good places. We landed plenty of grayling, and I managed to land two trout, both on a parachute ant imitation. (Check out how I like to tie this fly - Glomma parachute ant video)
The first one I hooked on a long drift below me, in a shallow and fast flowing stretch of the KFF zone. The fish took off like crazy, the first run went 10 meters into the backing ... I was using a 0.12 mm tippet so I had to be very careful not to break of. In the end I managed to land the trout (without my net, I left it in the car for some reason ...) but I had to take him to the shore first. A very fine 45 cm male trout, over one kilo, and until now the strongest fighter this year !

fly fishing buddy Peter fishing river Glomma at KFF - Photo HVA
Our conclusion, after a few days of hard work - fly fishing was :

A few more pictures with Peter fishing in beautiful Norwegian nature, in the area around Kvennan Fly Fishing.

Actual water level : 587.59
Average water level 2005 - 2022 : 587.60
Water in Glomma is : clear
Water temperature : 16 °C
Air temperature min - max : 14 - 19 °C
Wind speed and direction : 4 m/s - South
After a lot of rain the water level in river Glomma at KFF has come up, and this morning the water was dirty. Right now, at 14:30 in the afternoon, the water is clearing up again, and I think tomorrow Glomma will be clear again. If it doesn't rain so much anymore, the level will fall under 588,00 in about 48 hours. I think.
Last week I guided Thomas and Roger from Sweden. It was not so easy to find a section in the fly zone with rising fish, but both guys landed some nice grayling. I met Jonny from Sweden, and he told me about his favourite fly of his trip: a size 14 yellow and black Superpuppa. In one hour he landed 12 grayling. But his friend, fishing next to him with the same fly, only landed 1 fish. In that whole day .... I guess there is some room for improvement there, and it also shows to me there is no luck or coincidence in fly fishing : it is all about skill, experience and technique.

Thomas ready to net a nice Glomma grayling - Photo HVA
During a fly fishing trip to the Hodalen lakes, Peter found this huge caddis fly. It's Latin name is "Phryganea grandis" and it can grow up to 40 mm. On Peter's hand it doesn't look so big, but Peter has XXL hands. I found an interesting web page with a good tying pattern - see https://ahrexhooks.com/2020/08/28/caddis-or-sedge/

huge caddis from Hodalen lakes - Photo HVA
Sunday and Monday I guided Johannes with his mom and dad from Germany. Only 8 years old, he landed his 21th fish of this holiday : the first 20 he had in Ammarnäs in Sweden. On Monday I took Mark to quite a few good places but the results were dramatic: no bugs, no rises, no fish. I tried dries, nymphs and even streamers. Nada. Only in the last 15 minutes of the session we both managed to get a few small grayling ...

Actual water level : 588.20
Average water level 2005 - 2022 : 587.52
Water in Glomma is : dirty
Water temperature : 14 °C
Air temperature min - max : 6 - 16 °C
Wind speed and direction : 3 m/s - South West
Actual water level : 588.07
Average water level 2005 - 2022 : 587.51
Water in Glomma is : almost clear
Water temperature : 13 °C
Air temperature min - max : 8 - 15 °C
Wind speed and direction : 2 m/s - North
These days we have stable unstable weather, but the good thing is there is not much wind. Water level in river Glomma is falling slowly, and there hasn't changed much in the fly fishing conditions. During rain showers in the afternoon there will be some Baetis mayfly species hatching, and I have seen (small) clouds of Caddis at many places. During these moments I saw some rising fish. And here is another pic of one of our youngest fly fishers ever : Johannes from Germany.

Johannes (8 years old) and his beautiful Glomma grayling (that's probably older then Johannes...) - Photo Mark
Last weekend I guided David from Denmark, I took him to a nice stretch in the lower part of the fly fishing zone. There were no fish rising, but reading the water and fishing holding spots was successful. We both landed some nice grayling that took ant imitations and CDC caddis patterns.

David from Denmark is about to land a good sized KFF grayling- Photo HVA
On Sunday I fished with Jon and Havard from Oslo. We tried a stretch of a nice little river not so far from KFF were we found - on one spot - some rising fish.

There were not much insects on the water, we saw a few larger mayflies, some caddis of course, and there was a Baetis hatch.
We landed quite a few large grayling up to about 50 cm. Simply a great day of fly fishing in beautiful nature !

Actual water level : 588.69
Average water level 2005 - 2022 : 587.45
Water in Glomma is : clear
Water temperature : 13 °C
Air temperature min - max : 10 - 13 °C
Wind speed and direction : 1 m/s - North East
There are no major changes in the fishing conditions. The weather is still unstable, the water level in Glomma is about normal, there are not many rising fish, and during shitty weather Baetis mayflies are active. I have seen clouds of them, size 24 spinners, landing on my waders and crawling down into the water to lay eggs. Normally they use rocks for this, but a friendly fly fisher is also just fine.

Lars plays a nice sized grayling - Photo HVA
Last Friday I guided Lars, Christian and Allan from Denmark. We all landed a few nice grayling, not really big, but there were a few fish around 40 cm. All on dries. The best patterns were Klinkhamers, brown, in sizes 10 - 14, CDC caddis worked, and I had some success with a parachute ant. I showed the guys the importance of presentation, and how good presentation immediately results in more bites.

Lars shows me his fly rod named "Glomma River" 😉 - Photo HVA
First time fly fisherman Christian (the guy with the flat cap) landed a few quite nice fish on a fly I gave him - a brown parachute emerger in size 12. I guess Christian is now also hooked for live on fly fishing ...

We tried several stretches around Otter Island, but we only found some fish in the riffles. And even in this fast flowing water a long and good drift was necessary. By the way, I noticed this summer all the fish are in prime condition, nice and fat. They don't seem to suffer much from the lack of insects on the surface .....

Actual water level : 588.59
Average water level 2005 - 2022 : 587.47
Water in Glomma is : clear
Water temperature : 15 °C
Air temperature min - max : 8 - 18 °C
Wind speed and direction : 1 m/s - changing directions
Lot's and lot's of rain resulted in a very high river Glomma. The rain started Monday morning, and it will rain until tomorrow afternoon, they say. I guess the water will rise to ca 589,25 and then it will take several days before Glomma is fishable again.
I will keep you updated this week.

View over a flooding river Glomma , photo 12:00 / August 8, 2023 - Photo HVA
At the campsite it doesn't look so bad, but the water is (very) dirty and much too high for fly fishing. All the rivers around look like this, or even worse ... So if you are fly fishing the area, you should now try Hodalen Lakes. I had a look at them this afternoon and the water level is only a bit up, and the water is still gin clear. The lakes provide a perfect plan B, because there is a very large stock of grayling in them, and perch, mountain whitefish, pike, and some huge trout. Try nymphs, or if you must, tie on a large Elkhair caddis and fish it actively.

Last week I guided Dennis from Holland. The first part of the session was difficult, since there were no insects on the water, and no rising fish. But in the end we found a few feeding grayling and Dennis landed a couple of them.

Dennis from Holland and a beautiful Glomma grayling - Photo HVA
A few weeks from now the fly fishing really should pick up, and I am looking forward to these autumn days at river Glomma ....

Actual water level : 588.95
Average water level 2005 - 2022 : 587.52
Water in Glomma is : very dirty
Water temperature : 12 °C
Air temperature min - max : 10 - 16 °C
Wind speed and direction : 3 m/s - East
The water level in Glomma peaked at about 589,25 and is now falling. If there is no rain, fishing will (only just !) be possible this weekend at a few places in the fly fishing zone. The water is still a bit dark, but not too dirty. I guess on Monday the fishing will pick up again, even though the water will still be pretty high. So if you want to fish early next week, bring a wading staff and some courage...
Actual water level : 588.68
Average water level 2005 - 2022 : 587.52
Water in Glomma is : bit dark
Water temperature : 13 °C
Air temperature min - max : 10 - 17 °C
Wind speed and direction : 2 m/s - South
The water level in river Glomma is falling steadily, and here at KFF fly fishing (and wading) is possible again on several places. I guess the level will sink with about 10 to 15 cm per day, so if there will be no more rain, on Wednesday or Thursday the level will be about 587.70 , and that would be a quite normal level. Yesterday I observed a few rising fish at a few good spots in the fly fishing zone.
Actual water level : 588.16
Average water level 2005 - 2022 : 587.47
Water in Glomma is : clear
Water temperature : 13 °C
Air temperature min - max : 10 - 18 °C
Wind speed and direction : 2 - 3 m/s , South
There was just enough rain during the last days to make river Glomma come up just a bit again. Right now the level is 587.85 , so still a bit high for the time of the year, but perfectly fishable. The water is clear, there are a few fish rising here and there, and there is not too much wind.

A bit high, but fishable. Glomma just upstream of Telneset bridge - Photo HVA
Yesterday I met Mats from Sweden. He reported good fly fishing behind the Isles of the campsite, using large Daddy Long Legs imitations. He landed several good grayling between 45 and 50 cm. Two fly fishers from France told me about pretty good dry fly fishing using small CDC caddis patterns and F-flies, in the stretch below Telneset bridge, with some 40+ cm fish.

French guys casting for some rising grayling - Photo HVA
Actual water level : 587.85
Average water level 2005 - 2022 : 587.51
Water in Glomma is : clear
Water temperature : 13 °C
Air temperature min - max : 8 - 20 °C
Wind speed and direction : 3 m/s , SE
Again, a lot of rain. Not at KFF, but higher up in Glomma. So the river came up again. The water level reached it's highest point this morning at 08:00 , at this moment of writing it has fallen already 15 cm. But it doesn't look very good for the coming days: a lot more rain is now predicted, and I don't know how much it will impact on the level in Glomma at KFF. I will keep you posted the next days.

This sea trout fly works just fine in Glomma - Photo HVA
In the mean time - I had some fun yesterday fishing streamers in Glomma. I like to use my #4 rod for that, a normal floating line, a 4 meter leader with a 16/100 tippet. And I like to use the streamers shown here. The brown one I tied for sea trout fishing in the Baltic, it's about 8 cm long. The smallest grayling I landed on it was about 32 cm ... So these things are not too large for Glomma grayling. The black pattern I have used for many years, not only in Glomma but everywhere for trout, bass etc. Notice the small nylon loop I tied under the tail : it helps to prevent the tail from tangling. Fish streamers down and across, mend upstream, and fish it with little jerks. Big fun, when there is no dry fly fishing to be had. I typically get about 5 bites per hour fishing like this : make a cast, let it swing, one step downstream, next cast. Just like salmon fishing 😉

a simple black leech pattern. grayling love it ! - Photo HVA
Actual water level : 588.51
Average water level 2005 - 2022 : 587.48
Water in Glomma is : a bit dirty
Water temperature : 13 °C
Air temperature min - max : 6 - 18 °C
Wind speed and direction : 1 m/s , East
The water level is down again to 588.05 and that means Glomma at KFF is fishable at several places. The weather forecast is changing all the time: it seems to be difficult to predict the weather in this area.
Actual water level : 588.05
Average water level 2005 - 2022 : 587.48
Water in Glomma is : almost clear
Water temperature : 13 °C
Air temperature min - max : 7 - 15 °C
Wind speed and direction : 2 m/s , SW
More rain brought the level in river Glomma at KFF up to 588,30 early this morning. At the moment I am writing this (18:30) the level is down to 588,20 . The weather forecast is changing all the time (what's new) and I don't dare to make any predictions about the water level in the next days / week .
Actual water level : 588.20
Average water level 2005 - 2022 : 587.46
Water in Glomma is : a bit dirty
Water temperature : 13 °C
Air temperature min - max : 9 - 15 °C
Wind speed and direction : 2 m/s , East
At last we have some dry and nice weather. The water level is falling slowly, if it stays dry as they promise, I think the level will drop faster. There is not much wind, the nights are getting colder and in early morning the valley is filled with fog. When the sun breaks through, the fishing can be nice. Christian from Sweden reported this morning with a facebook message : "Pretty good dryfly fishing today " so I guess the good fishing has started. The forecast for the coming week is dry weather with not too much wind. Pretty good !

Emil from Denmark nymphing river Glomma - Photo HVA
Last week, just before the river came up, I guided Emil and Hans from Denmark. There was not much going on, and the fishing was slow as so many days this season, but in the end Emil landed a very nice grayling on a red tag gold head nymph.

Actual water level : 588.08
Average water level 2005 - 2022 : 587.41
Water in Glomma is : clear
Water temperature : 13 °C
Air temperature min - max : 5 - 15 °C
Wind speed and direction : 2 m/s , North - East
A last visit from summer, we have nice autumn days high up in the Glomma valley at Kvennan Fly Fishing. The fishing is quite good right now, even though there still are hardly any bugs on the water. Yesterday afternoon I fished a few hours and landed about 10 grayling, a few on nymphs but most on dries. Best flies for me were Zebra CDC Emerger and a size 14 F-fly.
So this was a bit of a strange fly fishing summer with so view hatches. It makes one worry a bit about insect decline and climate change. On the other hand, I remember the situation in 2010 was about the same. Later in the summer of that year there were hardly any bugs on the water. The years after there were plenty again. Check the fishing reports 2010
Martin from Holland fished the KFF area for two weeks. He has been here for many years and he knows Glomma and the area well. He wrote to me : " The conditions for fishing were not optimal this time. But that can happen with a hobby like fly fishing. And therein lies another challenge. Is it also possible to catch something if the conditions are not optimal? Those times when I went fishing I usually went to the area around KFF. Lots of walking and searching to find fishable spots. But as said, that also has its charm and I was not entirely unsuccessful ... "

large grayling from the area around KFF - Photo Martin
If you want to follow the water level from hour to hour : sildre.nve.no
Actual water level : 587.70
Average water level 2005 - 2022 : 587.42
Water in Glomma is : clear
Water temperature : 11 °C
Air temperature min - max : 0 - 18 °C
Wind speed and direction : 2 m/s , South West
The water level is normal, not many insects, it can be windy. So not much has changed. I spotted a few risers at a few places.
Check out this new page on this website. I collected all kind of interesting and useful links and other info for you.
Actual water level : 587.49
Average water level 2005 - 2022 : 587.42
Water in Glomma is : clear
Water temperature : 13 °C
Air temperature min - max : 9 - 16 °C
Wind speed and direction : 4 m/s , South West
A few days ago I guided 4 gentlemen from France. We had one day with very nice autumn weather, sun, not much wind and hungry grayling. The best flies were # 16 Zebra CDC emerger and #14 caddis patterns. Searching the water and fishing the hot spots was the way to go. The guys landed some very good sized grayling up to about 45 cm in their week at KFF, but the fishing was never really easy ...

Gerard from France playing a good grayling - Photo HVA
So now the season is slowly nearing the end, and it seems the days with nice weather are gone. But the fishing still can be good. Difficult, but nice anyway. This year you can fish at KFF until the end of October, so there are still 6 weeks left 🙂

Actual water level : 587.52
Average water level 2005 - 2022 : 587.42
Water in Glomma is : clear
Water temperature : 10 °C
Air temperature min - max : 2 - 13 °C
Wind speed and direction : 3 - 4 m/s , South West
This summer the weather has been "stable unstable" and so, yesterday and last night it rained a lot again.
With the obvious result : Glomma came up. Right now (11:00) the water is a bit dirty, but I guess it will clear up quickly. The forecast for the next two days is lousy - more rain. They say 14 mm per day. If that happens, Glomma will rise even more. I think.
The river is fishable now at quite a few places. One of my favorite spots is behind the isles at the campsite.

more rain at river Glomma - Photo Gerard
Actual water level : 587.98
Average water level 2005 - 2022 : 587.46
Water in Glomma is : a bit dirty
Water temperature : 8 °C
Air temperature min - max : 7 - 11 °C
Wind speed and direction : 3 m/s , South West
As expected the river came up again. Right now, 10:45 , the level has reached it's highest peak so from now the level will sink again. The water is not quite clear but fishable, I guess tomorrow it will be completely clear again. There is not much rain in the forecast for the next days, so I guess on Monday the fly fishing conditions will be reasonable again. A few days ago I met Jurgen and Michael from Holland, they were having their annual fly fishing trip to KFF. They told me about good nymph fishing in Glomma, plenty of medium sized grayling (40 per day) and one fish just over 50 cm. They also fished Grimsa and the Hodalen lakes with very good results. As I mentioned before, KFF has plenty of plan B opportunities nearby ...

Danish fly fishers nymphing a swollen river Glomma - Photo HVA
Actual water level : 588.31
Average water level 2005 - 2022 : 587.43
Water in Glomma is : a bit dirty
Water temperature : 9 °C
Air temperature min - max : 4 - 13 °C
Wind speed and direction : 3 m/s , South West
Yesterday was a nice and dry autumn day at KFF, but I guess higher up in the valley it rained a lot again. So the water level in river Glomma is even higher, right now it is 588,50 and fly fishing is possible only at a few places. My advice : try Hodalen lakes.

view over river Glomma from my balcony - Photo HVA
Actual water level : 588.49
Average water level 2005 - 2022 : 587.43
Water in Glomma is : a bit dirty
Water temperature : 9 °C
Air temperature min - max : 0 - 11 °C
Wind speed and direction : 3 m/s , South West