Kvennan Fly Fishing
More info
Water level Glomma at Hummelvoll - updated every hour
This website shows the water level in Glomma, and is updated every hour. And not only the level, but also the discharge in m3/sec.The site is in Norwegian and English, if you go to "Map" you can find many more rivers. (Click the image to open the link.)
Update July 2024 : be aware that this web page shows the water level in NN2000 - this means an extra 18 cm's , because of the rising of the earth in this area. If KFF says the average summer level is 587,50 the NN2000 level would be 587,68 ...
Just to keep everything simple I guess ....
Weather forecast
The best weather site for Norway. (Click the image to open the link.)
Perfect aerial pictures
Instead of Google maps - have a look at this site. Very detailed aerial photographs, and there are photo's from several years - and so from different month's. A very good tool to find out the best stretches of river. First click on "Flyfoto", zoom in, and than use the tab
"Historiske" . (Click the image to open the link.)
Water temperature Glomma in Tolga
Every day updated at about 10:00. Water temp = "Vanntemperatur" .
(Click the image to open the link.)
Update July 2024 : web page is not working since late June.
Kvennan Fly Fishing - map
The fishing map as a PDF file for downloading. Put it on your phone so you have the map with you. (Click the image to open the link.)
Power plant - Nina report 828
Very interesting report, only in Norwegian. Google translate is your friend.
There is good information about fish stocks and insect life in Glomma.
(Click the image to open the link.)
Climate change - impact water temperature on mayflies
A scientific report from Polen. Rising water temp and the effect on Baetis mayflies.
I guess the outcome of the report also is valid for Glomma.
(Click the image to open the link.)
Fish and fish food in Glomma and Rena rivers - Nina report 802
Another interesting NINA report, with lot's of info about the inhabitants of river Glomma. A report from 2003, only in Norwegian. Google translate is your friend.
(Click the image to open the link.)
Fish diet - Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus)
Fish diets and food webs in the Northwest Territories: Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus)
This reports gives some information I think is also applicable for our Thymallus Thymallus - the European grayling. A report from 2007.
(Click the image to open the link.)